
we are all about relationships

Candidate Experience at Asterise Search

If you are reading this you might be already in one of the processes we are currently running for one of our clients or perhaps you are currently job hunting and are interested in getting in touch to increase your chances to land your dream role.

Either way, at Asterise Search, we thought it was necessary to have a place with information dedicated to give those on the candidate side an overview of our work so they can have a better idea of what you can expect from us whether you are already a candidate or in the market for a role.

What do we do?

Executive Search

We approach candidates that could potentially match our clients' requirements.

Market Research

We study the market for our clients before they make a hiring decision.

Salary Negociation

In the last stage, we help both parties come to a close.

What is executive search anyway?

We are a business to business agency, our clients are companies that have hiring challenges, which typically means that they have a difficult to fill position and resort to professional help to handle the process for them.

There are as many reasons to use a headhunting firm as there are clients, each one of them has its own set of circumstances though we can safely say that the one thing they all have in common is the complexity of their hire.

At Asterise Search we try to put together hiring processes that are agile and efficient whilst keep a healthy ongoing relationship with all the stakeholders throughout the entire process.

However, as much as we try to provide our clients and candidates that layer of simplicity, hiring is not always going from A to B, decision making can be, and often is, complex, on the other hand when a company wants to make an important hire they really want to make sure they make the right decision.

I'd like to introduce myself and explore opportunities

We literally receive hundreds of CVs and emails from would-be candidates who want to explore opportunities with us or are in the market for a new job.

We really appreciate this kind of enthusiasm and initiative, which is definitely in line with the Asterise mindset.

Unfortunately, though, we cannot deal with every single CV we receive, and while occasionally, a certain person matches a role we have going at a particular moment this is not always the case.

More frequently, thankfully, someone that has got in touch with us matches with a position later down the line. For this reason we always keep the CVs we receive in our database so even though we don’t send you an immediate reply  be sure that your information is stored safely at our third party server provider and has been read. 


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"Talent wins games, but teamwork wins championships."

Michael Jordan